Landing  Explorer Post 1010
Lockheed Martin Exploring Program
Launch - March 23, 2013

On Saturday, March 23, nine members from all three teams traveled to the Virginia launch site on for our last attempt to qualify for the national fly-off. It was cold (40f), mostly sunny, and wind below 10mph. We used the 7ft launch rail for all the launches.

The wind speed picked up a little during the day, causing us to set the angle with the wind to about 5d. Our first flight was set too straight because a hill was blocking the wind. As soon as the first flight of the red rocket got up above the hill, it tilted into the wind and lost altitude.

We completed ten launches during the 3.5 hour launch window. All three teams had three completed launches with no disqualifications. Now we have to wait to see what the cutoff score is for the National Fly-off.
Yellow Rocket Red Rocket Orange Rocket


  • Each team wanted to do at least one test launch and finish their qualifying launches. Team 13256 had only one qualifier remaining. The other two teams could do two more qualifier launches.


  • All the launches were relatively straight, all rockets were recovered, no eggs were broken, all ejections worked as planned, and the teams worked well together. Good job.
  • All three teams had a good flights and altitudes. They adjusted weights between 378g and get around 750ft. Team 13254's yellow rocket flew the most consistently, even though it wiggled as it ascended.
  • We used a variety of igniters, including three different igniters in the package, some older copperheads. We continued to have igniters spitting before they ignited the propellant. We only had two igniter failures with the small {blue) package igniters. The spitting just seems to be a property of the White Lighting propellant.
  • We had a great variety in descent times. Again Team 13254's yellow rocket was most consistent. The teams all had considerable spill holes and longer parachute connections to the cargo unit. We never got control of the descent oscillations. We now think the tape connection between the parachute and the streamer may be causing some of the problems.
  • We again had considerable inconsistency in ejection times; any where from 8 seconds to 11 seconds. This could be related to the igniter spitting, placement of the igniter, or just manufacturing. Someday we need to figure out how to control this, perhaps going back to reloadables or electronic ejection.


Rocket Engine Rail Cargo Cargo
Booster Recovery Weight Results Comments
Yellow flight 1
Team 13254
E20-7W 5d 1 egg,
altimeter 1
15" Round,
2" spill
6x60" Streamer 390g 733ft, 42sec Flew straight, but squirrely
Yellow flight 2
Team 13254
E20-7W 5d 1 egg,
altimeter 1
15" Round,
2" spill
6x60" Streamer 385g 755ft, 37.31sec Flew straight,
Qualification Score: 47.76
Yellow flight 3
Team 13254
E20-7W 5d 1 egg,
altimeter 1
15" Round,
2" spill
6x60" Streamer 385g 742ft, 44.54sec Flew straight, but squirrely,
Qualification Score: 21.84
Red flight 1
Team 13255
E20-7W 2d 1 egg,
altimeter 2
15" Round,
4" spill
6x60" Streamer 399g 694ft, 41sec Flew into wind, lost altitude
Red flight 2
Team 13255
E20-7W 5d 1 egg,
altimeter 2
15" Round,
4" spill
6x60" Streamer 390g 763ft, 45.99sec Flew straight,
Qualification Score: 21.04
Red flight 3
Team 13255
E20-7W 5d 1 egg,
altimeter 2
15" Round,
4" spill
6x60" Streamer 394g 743ft, 39sec Flew straight
Red flight 4
Team 13255
E20-7W 5d 1 egg,
altimeter 2
15" Round,
4" spill
6x60" Streamer 396g 766ft, 44.47sec Flew straight,
Qualification Score: 30.12
Orange flight 1
Team 13256
E20-7W 5d 1 egg,
altimeter 3
15" Round,
2" spill
6x60" Streamer 382g 809ft, 54sec Flew straight, too light
Orange flight 2
Team 13256
E20-7W 5d 1 egg,
altimeter 3
15" Round,
2" spill
6x60" Streamer 388g 787ft, 46sec Flew straight
Orange flight 3
Team 13256
E20-7W 5d 1 egg,
altimeter 3
15" Round,
2" spill
6x60" Streamer 391g 766ft, 62.59sec Flew straight,
Qualification Score: 66.36

Altimeter Data (Excel format)
Altimeter Data Chart - Yellow Rocket

Altimeter Data Chart - Red Rocket

Altimeter Data Chart - Orange Rocket


Getting ready                                                                              Team 13254
Getting ready     Team 13254

Team 13255                                                                               Team 13256
Team 13255     Team 13256

Copyright 2013 Lockheed Martin Exploring Program
Updated: March 25, 2013