Sojourner Explorer Post 1010
Lockheed Martin Exploring Program
Launch - March 19, 2011
Victoria Crater

Project Home

Rocket in a treeMembers from all four teams traveled to the Maryland launch site on Saturday, March 19 to try to qualify for the TARC finals. The weather was cool (45f) and the wind was strong (about 12mph). We had major risk in landing in the trees, but decided to try some launches. We used both launch rails but angled them to create a little to cock into the wind so we don't reach the trees. 

Bob had built a rocket out of a Pringles tube. He launched to use up some F24-4W from lat spring. See the video. He didn't get an altitude from the altimeter because he covered the air holes with foam.


  • Conduct one test and one qualification flight for each team.
  • Fly the Pringles rocket

Lessons and Actions:

  • The wind was a major problem. It blew rockets into the trees. It hurt our one TARC qualification attempt, which got caught in a tree 40 feet up. The extra hang time would have reduced the score by 5 points. We left the cargo unit from 9213 in a tree, although we tried to recover it with arrows. We tried again later in the week but still could not get it down. We went back on April 15 and we recovered it from the ground.
  • No eggs were broken, so we must be doing something right with the egg protection.
  • We had no copperhead igniter failures. We used several Quest igniters and had one failure. The Quest was easier to replace on the pad.
  • Cutting holes in the chutes seemed to reduce the descent time, but we still had some floaters.

Team Rocket Engine Cargo Cargo Recovery Booster Recovery Weight Results Comments
9212 Yellow
test 1
E30-7T egg,
altimeter J
15in hemi-chute, choked attached 397 725ft, 36sec
Nice flight, came down too fast
9212 Yellow
test 2
E30-7T egg,
altimeter J
15in hemi-chute, choked attached 392g 738ft, 53sec
Chute floated, 804ft spike in altimeter data
9213 Gold
test 1
E30-7T egg,
altimeter I
15in hemi-chute 10' Xchute 370g 753ft, 26sec
Nice flight, landed low in tree
9213 Gold
test 2
E30-7T egg,
altimeter I
15in hemi-chute 10' Xchute 370g 728ft, 42sec
Nice flight, landed high in tree, recovered 4/15/2011
9214 Purple
test 1
E30-7T egg,
altimeter F
15in hemi-chute attached 383g 699ft, 50sec
Unexplained low flight, floated
9215 Maroon
test 1
E30-7T egg,
altimeter H
15in hemi-chute attached 383g 720ft, 54sec
No altimeter data
9215 Maroon
test 2
E30-7T egg,
altimeter H
15in hemi-chute attached 385g? 694ft, 29sec
Unexplained bad flight
9215 Maroon
test 3
E30-7T egg,
altimeter H
15in hemi-chute attached 385g? 755ft, 35sec
Nice flight, too many holes in chute
9215 Maroon
test 4
E30-7T egg,
altimeter H
15in hemi-chute attached 385g? 722ft, 40sec
(no video)
Nice flight, landed in tree, Qualification 28.72

Altimeter Data (Excel format)
Flight Data Charts

Yellow and Purple Rocket             Maroon Rocket                      Gold Rocket                           Pringles Rocket
Team 9215 loading the rocket
Team 9215
Waiting for the launch
Waiting for the launch
Bob and Pringles Rocket
In the trees

Copyright 2011 Lockheed Martin Exploring Program
Updated: April 20, 201