Robot Testing by Team 191

 Our team always felt a little behind in our building and programming our bots.  While we wanted to do formal testing like the other teams with recording, but we never got to it.  We seemed to be missing key people when the table was open for testing.  Members were away on Spring break or visiting colleges.  We hope to do much more this last week before the tournament, especially with scrimmages against the other teams.

 We did a lot of informal testing.  Just getting the bots to fit in the starting box was a challenge.  We spent too much time focused on individual bots and how they worked.  We had some surprises when we put them together, but now think they will work.

 We had two configurations of the CBC bot - seeding and competition.  We spend considerable time running the competition CBC bot to get it to block the other teams slope.  Very minor code differences created different results.  We believe it was the weight of the blocking arm that caused the differences.  We struggled with changes to the arm and the code to improve the percentage of success. We added a ramp to the platform so the arm moved better.

 The Create bot was designed to run fast and get lots of points.  We had good results, but sometimes failed with a score of zero.  As we approached the final week, we have decided to slow down the robot, especially during seeding.  Early results with this changed strategy appear to improve our score and consistency.