Team 05-0120 Lockheed Martin Exploring Program
January 15, 2005
Household Robotics Report
ContentsCurrent StateFuture Direction | Challenges | My Ideas | Bibliography

By: Stuart Brothers and Andrew Brothers
Objective 1: Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich within five minutes.

Objective 2: Sort all levels of a refrigerator's contents according to the laser scan of a human's taste buds by moving the boxed contents via robotic arm programming.

Objective 3:

(Ugh, where did the time go?  I hope we do better on the Botball robotic challenge documentation this year.)


Current State

What can be invented, that is a robot, to help with everyday household chores? Or better  yet, do them? Well, for starters, let’s name household chores:

  • Sweeping/ vacuuming

  • Taking out the trash

  • Preparing  dinner / lunch

  • Laundry

  • Cleaning Swimming pool (if applicable)

Not many of these are available today.  The iRobot Roomba helps with the sweeping and vacuuming.


Future Direction






My Ideas



Copyright 2005 Lockheed Martin Exploring Program